無名氏限量版「捌億」 NIP Limited Edition Gin (Made in Hong Kong) (1x50cl) - TwoMoreGlasses.com
無名氏限量版「捌億」 NIP Limited Edition Gin (Made in Hong Kong) (1x50cl) - TwoMoreGlasses.com
無名氏限量版「捌億」 NIP Limited Edition Gin (Made in Hong Kong) (1x50cl) - TwoMoreGlasses.com
無名氏限量版「捌億」 NIP Limited Edition Gin (Made in Hong Kong) (1x50cl) - TwoMoreGlasses.com

無名氏限量版「捌億」NIP Limited Edition Gin (Made in Hong Kong) (1x50cl)

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無名氏限量版「捌億」 NIP Limited Edition Gin (Made in Hong Kong) (1x50cl) - TwoMoreGlasses.com

無名氏限量版「捌億」NIP Limited Edition Gin (Made in Hong Kong) (1x50cl)

Precio regular HK$788.00
Precio de venta HK$788.00 Precio regular
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無名氏以限量版「捌億」氈酒的創作,希望大家來年除了得到財富的收穫,亦同時不忘保持心中富有。過去艱辛的一年,雖然碰到不少的挫折,但過程中也學會了知足感恩身邊擁有的事物。所謂越難的逆境牌,就要越用心去打,運氣就會隨之而來。而心,就指我們的心態、心思和心力。希望新一年大家也能帶著身心的財富去細味和享受來年的一切;只要能夠保持積極及樂觀的心境,即使逆境中大家都可以迎難而上,得到每個人心中嘅勝利! N.I.P presents this limited edition gin, “捌億” – a Chinese phrase that literally means 800 million. Rightfully, we all wish to be rich with $800 million. But where our wishes are yet to be granted, it’s important to keep rich at heart. And by that, we are pointing to the Chinese saying of keeping a grateful heart, even during the toughest times. Without doubt, most of us have endured a lot of challenges over the past year, but with a rich heart, which can translate to better attitude and mental toughness, we can all come back in this new year and embrace all this year has to offer. N.I.P wishes everyone a prosperous new year with good health and fortune. —————- 「捌億」氈酒以杜松子、蜜柑、蓮子、百合 、南棗、生薑、鐵觀音、及金箔共八款原材料蒸餾而成,每款草本講求意頭之餘亦配合出既獨特又平衡的味道和新年氣色,加上氈酒內金箔亦令雞尾酒閃閃生色,寓意來年大家甜甜蜜蜜、百年好合、一起發財! This Chinese New Year Limited Edition combines 8 botanicals inspired by ingredients traditionally used in celebrating festivities during the Chinese New Year, including juniper berries, mandarin, lotus seeds, lily, black dates, ginger, tieguanyin tea, and gold flakes. Traditionally the number “8” signifies “luck” in Chinese, and most of the eight ingredients used also represent various prosperous blessings, and at the same time create a familiar scent and special character of Chinese New Year.

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