Bumbu The Original Rum (1x70cl) - TwoMoreGlasses.com
Bumbu The Original Rum (1x70cl) - TwoMoreGlasses.com

Bumbu The Original Rum (1x70cl)

정상 가격 HK$371.00
판매 가격 HK$371.00 정상 가격 HK$582.00
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Bumbu The Original Rum (1x70cl) - TwoMoreGlasses.com

Bumbu The Original Rum (1x70cl)

정상 가격 HK$371.00
판매 가격 HK$371.00 정상 가격 HK$582.00
“A maple syrup hue and fruity, peach nectar-like notes on the nose and palate. Look for a lightly sweet flavor, evoking brown sugar, vanilla, fruit and nuts, with a round, cinnamon- and ginger-laced finish.” (Triple Gold)

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