蝶矢 經典紀州梅酒 Choya Classic Umeshu (1x65cl)

정상 가격 HK$278.00
판매 가격 HK$278.00 정상 가격
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蝶矢 經典紀州梅酒 Choya Classic Umeshu (1x65cl)

蝶矢 經典紀州梅酒 Choya Classic Umeshu (1x65cl)

정상 가격 HK$278.00
판매 가격 HK$278.00 정상 가격
Founded in 1914, CHOYA is the biggest producer of Umeshu in the world. Their mission is to produce and promote the finest Umeshu, made with only natural ingredients. We control all production processes including the selection of ume, aging, and blending. These efforts ensure the consistent quality of CHOYA. We always strive to make the best.

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