Fukano Shuzo Fukano Kuri (1x72cl)

정상 가격 HK$290.00
판매 가격 HK$290.00 정상 가격
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Fukano Shuzo Fukano Kuri (1x72cl)

Fukano Shuzo Fukano Kuri (1x72cl)

정상 가격 HK$290.00
판매 가격 HK$290.00 정상 가격
Japanese Shochu : is a Japanese traditional liquor, distilled from grains and vegetable. The most common base ingredients are: Sweet Potato (Imo), Barley (Mugi), Rice (Kome), Buckwheat (Soba), Sugarcane (Kokuto), etc. It can be enjoyed straight, on the rocks, hot water (oyuwari), cold water (Mizuwari), top up with soda water (Highball), cocktails or paired with food.  

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