Kagura Midnight Blue Junmai 神藏 瑠璃 純米 (1x180cl)

정상 가격 HK$330.00
판매 가격 HK$330.00 정상 가격
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Kagura Midnight Blue Junmai 神藏 瑠璃 純米 (1x180cl)

Kagura Midnight Blue Junmai 神藏 瑠璃 純米 (1x180cl)

정상 가격 HK$330.00
판매 가격 HK$330.00 정상 가격
Located in Kyoto, Japan, the 280-year-old Matsui Brewery kept the tradition in brewing sake. Surrounding by beautiful nature and mountains, finest water, and using local sake brewing rice - Iwai, Matsui Brewery brewed aromatic and charming sake, which gain the good reputation by matching perfectly with Kyoto local cuisine. The brewery also combines old traditional processes with modern equipment, such as install solar energy panels and temperature control facilities.

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